Yearly Archive: 2018

Four Days in Jamaica – Kingston, Negril, Mondego Bay, Ocho Rios

Dunn's River Falls

A Brief Background When I first arrived to United States back in April 1998, I moved to Astoria, Queens, NY (and I still live here 🙂 ). One day I walked to a nearby public library on Broadway and Steinway Street to inquire about their computer classes. The librarian told me they did not have that class in this branch, but they had it in Jamaica. Hearing that my jaw dropped. I asked her with surprise, “What! I have to go all the way to Jamaica to take some computer…
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Aconcagua Expedition January 2018

Aconcagua Expedition January 2018 Trip Dates: January 6 – January 22, 2018 Trip Details: Saturday January 6: This was the first day of our expedition. My team-mates Marcia, Vraj, and Patrick were already in Mendoza. I was the last person to arrive there that morning with my flight arriving at 9 AM. I met Marcia in her hotel room and the rest of the crew later at the hotel lobby. We all walked together the office of Acomara to give them the money for the guiding trip in person in cash….
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2017 At a Glance

Me during acclimatization hike

Yesterday I visited my Mom and my brother’s family on the New Year Eve. I was chatting with my six year old nephew and this is how it went: Me: 2017 was the best year of my life. Nephew: 2017 was the best year of my life too. Me: But you are only six-year-old! Nephew whispered into my ear: “I am more than six-year-old now; please do not tell anyone.” His expression was the same when we adults would start to feel embarrassed by our real age because we are…
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