Monthly Archive: September 2017

Humphreys Peak Summit – Arizona’s Highest Point (12,633′)

Group shot on the summit

Summit Date: September 16, 2017 (Saturday) Watch the corresponding YouTube video here This hike was a part of the 10 day long trip in Arizona I had put together on behalf of my outdoor club MOB, and this was the first of the many activities we had planned for this trip. Last year when I did a trip out to Utah / Arizona, I spent most of my time in Utah, and only a few days in Arizona. But that trip helped me to plan out my future trip to…
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Mount Elbrus (18,510′ or 5,642m) – Europe’s Highest Point

Summit Day: June 22, 2017 Background Info: Mount Elbrus (18,510′ or 5,642m) is the highest point in Russia and in Europe and 10th most prominent peak in the world. When our group of five reached the summit of Kilimanjaro (highest point in Africa at 5,895 m or 19,341 ft) in February 2017, we decided to pursue our next objective: Mount Elbrus – the highest point in Europe; and as soon as we got back to NY, we started researching different options. For this climb, we decided to go up via…
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Vancouver, British Columbia (B.C.), Canada 2017

On Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge

This was technically my first SOLO trip outside the country, though I visited Puerto Rico by myself in May which is technically within the USA but everyone speaks Spanish there, and I literally speak 0 words in Spanish. Meanwhile everyone in Vancouver speaks English with Northern accent. In my first trip to Seattle this July for climbing Mt Rainier, I made plans to visit Alaska after the climb. In my second trip to Seattle in August to attend a mountaineering training course, I decided to visit Vancouver after the course, and this…
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