Monthly Archive: August 2017

Six Day Mountaineering Training

What it is that in order to become a valuable member of a team in glacier travel, it is almost a necessity that we take at least one proper course in mountaineering. I wanted to do just that before the summer season ends and was lucky to get a spot in an already full August session as someone canceled their reservation. Here is what we did and learned on a day by day basis: Day 1 Sunday 08/13/2017: We met for Orientation at 6:30 AM at our guide’s office in…
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Seattle 2017

Night View from the top of Space Needle

This summer, I had the opportunity to travel to Seattle not just once, but 2.5 times :). Trip #1 (July 21, 2017): First it was in July when I made a last-minute trip out there to climb Rainier via Emmons Glacier. After the summit, I was dropped off at my hotel near Seattle while the rest of the group proceeded onto climbing Mt Baker, which they were unable to summit due to bad weather. For me, just the summit of Rainier was more than enough on that trip. My two…
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Alaska 2017

Wonder Lake Campground Camping Are

After summiting Mount Rainier, I decided to scout Alaska (AK) ;). I booked a last minute flight from Seattle to Anchorage to NY, allowing me to spend 5 days in South-East Alaska. Day 1 July 22 (Sat): I flew into Anchorage, AK from Seattle in the afternoon, picked up my rental car, drove to my hostel “Bent Prop Inn & Hostel Alaska” in town. After settling in and taking a nice shower, I went out to explore. I was super hungry, so went to have dinner first. I ate at Spenard…
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Mount Rainier Summit via Emmons Glacier (Northeast Route)

SUMMIT DAY: July 18, 2017. After summiting Mount Elbrus (the highest point in Europe) in June, I was determined to get to the top of Rainier. Last year in the early season our summit bid was canceled due to high avalanche danger above Disappointment Cleaver. Along with one climbing member from that trip, we were eight of us joined together to reach the summit via Emmons Glacier on the Northeast side of the mountain. Day 1 July 14: Travel from NY JFK to Sea-Tac Airport in Washington. My flight was delayed…
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